Move Your Conferences and Training Online in 2016

Wow!  What a year it’s been for conferencing! 

Reflecting on 2015, a few important changes in the online conferencing world come to mind:

  • Cloud and app developments have made mobile devices a viable medium for web and video conferences.
  • Improvements to Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) have provided enriched web conferencing.
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) continue to expand. Market trends and forecasts predict that the use of cloud-based authoring tools and learning platforms will grow by another 9%.

2016 is a New Year, and if it was anything like 2015, there will be lots of changes.

Check out the three conferencing trends of 2016 MeetingOne is paying special attention to!

2016 Conferencing Trends:

1. Millennials

Whether it’s taking a very active role in their social surroundings or trying to reevaluate normal workplace processes, Millennials want to define the major aspects of their lives.  Businesses are striving to better incorporate exciting and interactive technology in the workplace to reach this group.  For Millennials, web conferences and online training represent opportunities to more interactively engage and understand company practice.  If you need some ideas for how to adjust, check out our webinar!

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2. Connection Economy

Connection Economy refers to the idea that value should be placed on nurturing relationships rather than on products.  Consider Facebook.  They are the world’s largest media company, but they
create no substantial content.  They simply connect people.  Connection Economy looks kindly upon those who invest in relationships, so start by nurturing those in your office through web conferencing and online training that connects them to community and content.


3. Free-Lance/Remote Workers

The number of Free-Lance and Remote workers will only increase over the next 365 days.  More individuals continue to work independently from specific businesses.  Others have decided they want jobs where they can work from home.  With more employees working remotely, online training and web conferencing provide the most convenient and time efficient option for interaction and learning.  We can help get you situated!  Register for our upcoming webinar and learn how to bridge virtual teams.eBook---display-book-graphic

Learn how to take your trainings online
in MeetingOne’s latest ebook!




How are you going to make the most of 2016?

Can we make a suggestion?  Move your conferences and training online with a web-based platform like Adobe Connect.  Let MeetingOne help you make the transition to online conferences and training.  To begin with, check out our webinar, “Move Your Training Online in 6 Steps,” then explore the companion eBook.

Blog Start 2016

  Make 2016 your year. 

  Make the move to online training!