customize Adobe Connect

What Makes Adobe Connect Different? Customization

Each and every online event is unique. Different speakers, different content, different audiences.  Even if you’re hosting a recurring virtual training, or redoing a past webinar, the engagement levels and outcomes may vary. But one of the things I’ve noticed is that most events are basically the same. And it doesn’t seem to matter what platform […]

iLearning Forum

L’ iLearning Forum ouvre bientôt ses portes

  L’ iLearning Forum ouvre ses portes ces 23 et 24 janvier RDV à l’Espace Champerret à Paris. MeetingOne vous accueillera sur le stand E40, à l’occasion de ce prestigieux salon pour vous accompagner dans vos projets de classe virtuelle.   Véritable évènement de référence en Europe dans le domaine des technologies au service de […]


What Makes Adobe Connect Different? Persistency

Let’s say you’ve spent hours preparing polls, slide decks and documents to share during recurring online training events. You upload them to the virtual room before the first training begins.  The event goes well.  Excellent! But once you shut down that virtual classroom, what happens?  With most platforms, the content you uploaded will not be there […]

new blog

Small Business Owners: Get More out of Your Conferencing Platforms in 2018

  Small business owners face numerous obstacles.  There are no two ways about it. Whether it’s scarcity of funds and resources, expanding your workforce, staving off competition, or growing your customer base, small business owners have significant challenges to overcome.  And if 2018 is like any other year, things won’t necessarily get easier. The best […]

Turn Your Adobe Connect Room into a cMOOC

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become popular in the last decade.  In 2012, when MOOCs appeared broadly, only 1.2 million students participated in these online courses.   By the end of 2016, 58 million students participated in 6,850 courses through 700+ universities (and other organizations).  Like I said, popular.  Immensely popular.   So, what exactly are MOOCs?  A MOOC is “a model for […]

What does Online MBA Innovation Look Like? Read the St. Mary’s College Case Study

These can be difficult times for professionals looking to get an MBA.  There are a lot of MBA programs out there.  Some seem designed to churn out degrees and grads.  And a lot of these programs are moving online.  These factors can make it hard to know which school or program offers the best route. An MBA […]

educational webinar

What is the Difference between an Online Training & an Educational Webinar?

There’s an old idiom you don’t hear much anymore: “An embarrassment of riches.”  When you have a lot of options to choose from and struggle to know where to start, you suffer from the embarrassment of riches.  That’s what it feels like with online training these days. There’s on-demand, self-paced, or mLearning.  Or it could […]

Le succès des classes virtuelles chez La Poste

En 2016, le Groupe La Poste avait un objectif clair à atteindre : mettre en place une tablette destinée aux seniors. Ardoiz allait bientôt voir le jour. Ardoiz est une tablette qui permet aux seniors de communiquer facilement avec leur famille et leurs proches et ce à faible coût. La tablette leur permet aussi de […]

Enjoy the Flexibility of Live Editing in Adobe Connect Rooms Behind the Scenes

Have you ever been in the middle of an online training or virtual class, only to remember you forgot to place a polling question? Or perhaps you’ve hosted a webinar and realized in the middle of the presentation that you didn’t upload the eBook you were going to give your participants as a takeaway!   Ugh, […]

Why You Should Avoid Idioms in a Global Virtual Classroom

Idioms and slang – they’re part of our everyday expressions and life. “Laid an egg.”  “Going postal.”  “Cut to the chase.”  All common phrases Americans use every day.  Each is understood within our borders, and all capture some part of the American perspective and heritage. But what happens when they’re introduced into the contexts of […]

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